ECOREAL Cryptocurrency is traded on worldwide leading Crypto exchanges with high liquidity and hundreds of thousand Traders. ECOREAL owners can trade and sell their ECOREAL against USDT – Bitcoin, Ethereum, USD or EURO.
Liquidity of Ecoreal is important in order for it to be an acceptable payment tool for EIGP to use.
To gain even more daily liquidity on ECOREAL, its listings will be expanded to further Top exchanges such as MEXC, LBANK and BITMART in the 4th. quarter 2024 and plans for Ku coin, HTX, BingX, Bitget and during 2025. Ultimately we will seek listings on exchanges such as Binance, Kraken and Coinbase.
The listing on MEXC, LBANK and BITMART will enhance the holding and trading of ECOREAL dramatically. We will have the opportunity to attract new communities for ECOREAL with approx.. 20 Million active traders
The aim is to achieve a daily volume of at least $1.000.000 up to $5.000.000
Ecoreal and other crypto positions can be converted by the company as required into FIAT.
For the company this is through the Portugal subsidiary by conversion of any major Cryptocurrency to EURO and transfer of cleared funds to our corporate bank account in Portugal through a Portuguese Central Bank regulated institution