The Bond will provide the Company with working capital for expansion and will be deployed as follows:
Enable mixed FIAT and Crypto related art and NFT acquisitions.
General marketing and attending worldwide Art trade fairs such as ArtDubai or ArtZurich.
Designing and constructing a booth for presenting selected acquired artworks and NFT’s at exhibitions.
Searching and selecting artists willing to sell their artworks and NFT against ECOREAL through greatly expanded social media activity.
Educating participating artists in all matters related to Crypto trading so that they are confident to acquire ECOREAL for their artwork. Develop training materials and necessary staff to support this.
Create further storage facilities where the Company can receive the works it has acquired.
Develop a department focused on the digital creation of High Class NFT’s from acqHigh-Class artworks.
Create pop-up offline shops and / or take physical space in existing galleries. The analysis of data gathered online about the geographic demand for works will guide the location of such offline locations.
Enhance and build out the online infrastructure including SEO and digital advertising, hiring the necessary expertise to support this activity.